Synopsis: When The Sunburst, an elite celebrity cruise ship, sets sail to Kinikiwiki Island, trouble follows billionaire Felix Belmont across the high seas. The curiosity of a mother-daughter-duo gets them tangled up in voodoo, murders and an international conspiracy surrounding him. The islanders don't know it, but their lives are all in danger, too... And their only hope is vacationers Zoey and Claire Kane.
My Review: Cruise to Murder is a very witty, fast pace, with a crazy duo type of book. Zoey and Claire are mother and daughter (both in the book and in real life) and make a unique writing team. How fun would it be to write a book with your mom (or daughter)? I would have loved to have done that with my mom. I loved how Zoey and Claire get twisted up with voodoo and a billionaire. You don't have to read the first book in the series (I started with the Cruise to Murder, the second book), but I do recommend you buy them both. Cruise to Murder stands on its own (boy does it ever!!). I really enjoyed Cruise to won't be disappointed with this one.
Rating: Great book (so far)
Synopsis: Zoey Kane is known around Riverside for making bad decisions when it comes to auctions and real estate investments. When her savvy daughter, Claire, learns her most recent purchase is eighty acres on the haunted, desolate side of town, she is simply flabbergasted. Amazement takes over the entire community and beyond, however, when a one-hundred-year-old mansion is discovered deep within trees.
When the Kanes transform Hillgate Manor into a popular hotel, things don’t go according to plan. On top of all the strange noises after midnight, room number 10 becomes notorious for scary happenings, and Gothics replace the swank out-of-towners who head for the hills.
Someone or something doesn’t want it to be a success. Messages on a mirror demanding, “Find more clues, find more clues!” convince the mother and daughter they must solve a string of riddles—that reveal haunting secrets, skeletons and murder—before it’s too late.
My Review: I am still reading The Riddles of Hillgate and am really enjoying it. Even though I have read the second book in the series (Cruise to Murder) first, it has not taken away anything from The Riddles of Hillgate. They are stand alone books. I think it is more important that you read them both regardless of the order. The setting of The Riddles of Hillgate pulled me in right away. I think it is an unique setting and allows for the perfect setting of mystery packed with humor!
Buy It: You can purchase both books (ebooks) at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Smashwords for the amazingly low price of $2.99 each.
Giveaway: It's so fun to be able to do a giveaway. Thanks to Zoey and Claire Kane (authors) and Molly Snow (publisher) for allowing one of you the chance to win both books (e-book format from Smashwords). Fantastic, right? To enter, just complete the rafflecopter form. Good Luck. Contest ends Sunday, March 25th (midnight EST).
Grand Prize Giveaway: Zoey and Claire ( are hosting a grand prize giveaway of their own on their blog. It is worth checking it out (I already did!!)
Grand Prize Giveaway: Zoey and Claire ( are hosting a grand prize giveaway of their own on their blog. It is worth checking it out (I already did!!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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