My Rating: Great Book!
Synopsis: Tracy Reifkind had been overweight her whole life and no amount of working out had helped her lose the weight. She had almost given up on ever getting fit, when she discovered a fitness tool called the kettlebell. Reifkind had no idea that this traditional Russian device, shaped like a cannonball with a handle on it, was about to change her life. Soon she was looking in the mirror and seeing things that she had never seen before—defined biceps, strong shoulders, and even firm abs—muscles she didn't even realize she was toning. In all, Reifkind lost 120 pounds and has kept the weight off for six years.
Tracy Reifkind's program comes in three parts: Mind: Before you start the program, you are coached on a winning mind-set that will set you up for the best possible results. Body: As you swing the kettlebell, it creates a force that demands full-body involvement and constantly engages the core—all with very little impact on the joints. There's no safer, or more effective, way to work out the entire body. Food: The Swing! includes a food plan with a focus on great flavor and making sure you never go hungry. It's a weight-loss food plan for people who love to eat.
Now Reifkind is bringing this powerful and unique workout and diet program—advanced enough for an elite athlete, but simple enough for a novice—to its widest audience yet. Her program focuses on the simplest of the kettlebell movements—the swing—to create a fast, highly effective workout that makes the body leaner and more muscular at the same time.
The Swing! program promises dramatic results in just two half-hour sessions each week. Believe it or not, that's just four hours a month! By following her own custom-built program, Tracy Reifkind let her real body break through. Now you can, too.
My Review: There is no doubt that I have more than 10 pounds to lose (okay a LOT more), so The Swing!, really interested me. I like that you get two workouts in a small amount of time. The kettlebell swing is both aerobic and anaerobic, so you get strength and cardio in one workout. Who wouldn't like that? Time (and energy) are two things I don't have enough of. I got my kettlebell (5 lbs) at Target for $12.
In Part One: Mind; Reconnecting with Your Body, really hit home with me. Tracy talks about weight gain (even as little as 10 pounds), can turn into a lot more pounds if we aren't connected with our body. As I was reading this chapter, I kept thinking, when did I ever met and talk to Tracy. I really connected with the chapter. Part One: Mind is filled with great information which also helps take the excuse out of it all!
In Part Two: Body, we are introduced to the kettlebell swing and how it works. It includes everything from how to select your kettlebell, what to wear, scheduling workouts and Tracy's LPT Best Body Plan. This section is complete with great photos and directions on how to do different kettlebell swing exercises. There is also a section on breathing, warning signs and quick fixes and different work out routines.
Food is Part Three of The Swing! This was not my favorite section of the book. Probably because I feel like I have been told "this" all my life. However, Tracy focuses is on what to eat, not on all the foods you shouldn't eat. Tracy also recommends a food journal. I know when I have kept one in the past, I am more aware of what I put in my the beginning. I tend to lose interest after two weeks. The Swing! also has a section on how to eat out as well. There is a chapter on "Recipes for Real Life." I love the Basic Veggie Soup. I have a hard time getting veggies into my life. Veggies and I don't see eye to eye! The Basic Veggie Soup was pretty tasty.
Part Four: You Won the Lottery (how appropriate....if I lost 120 pounds it would be just as great as winning the lotto!), discusses how to move on and that it is okay to reflect on your old self. Just don't get caught up in that person. Stay in the zone as Tracy puts it.
I really thought the book was well laid out and gets you in the right frame of mind to start The Swing! and continue through it. The Swing! is something I needed to get myself in the right frame of mind and to stop making excuses.
Meet the Author: At the age of forty-one, after having been overweight her entire life, Tracy Reifkind lost 120 pounds and discovered a path to lasting transformation using kettlebells. She is now a sought-after personal trainer and nutrition coach who was featured in Tim Ferriss's The 4-Hour Body. In 2006, she became a certified Russian kettlebell instructor. Since then, she has developed a unique training program that works for anyone, at any fitness level, featured in her DVD Programming the Kettlebell Swing. Reifkind lives in California with her husband and two sons.
I need to find the DVD! You can visit Tracy on Facebook.
Buy It: You can purchase The Swing! Lose the Fat and Get Fit with This Revolutionary Kettlebell Program by Tracy Reifkind for $26.99 on amazon ($16.92 Prime members and $13.99 kindle version).
The Swing! Tour Stops:
Tuesday, April 17th: 110 Pounds and counting
Thursday, April 19th: Runs For Cookies
Friday, April 20th: A Journey to Thin
Tuesday, April 24th: Bess Be Fit
Thursday, April 26th: World’s Strongest Librarian
Friday, April 27th: Live for the Run
Monday, April 30th: Seaside Book Nook
Tuesday, May 1st: Truth2BeingFit
Wednesday, May 2nd: Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life
Thursday, May 3rd: Fit in Heels
Monday, May 7th: My Fat Loss Strategies
TBD: Red Star Athletics
TBD: Workout Nirvana