Guest post by Nicole Fonovich, co-creator of the “Luca
Lashes” app/eBook Series.
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Taking your child to the doctor? Five tips
to help them say “Ah” with confidence.
Winter is on its way and everyone knows what that means. Not
skiing, not hot chocolate, not kissing under the mistletoe. Colder temps bring
cold and flu season, sick kids and doctor’s offices. (Cue sniffles and
sneezing.) Any self-preserving individual will avoid sick people like the
plague. But if you’re the parent of a young child you might not have a choice.
Here are five life-changing tips for bringing your sick child to the doctor’s
office and surviving the sniffle season ahead.
1. Avoid it at all costs.
Crying babies, snotty noses, heat-seeking germ missiles that
love to embed themselves inside busy working mothers. These are all the things
that await you at the doctor’s office. So if you can avoid it, do. The most
efficient way is to have your child immunized. This requires some preemptive planning.
Go early, the sooner the better. That way you can avoid all the mayhem of
bringing a sick child to a doctor’s office full of other sick kids.
2. Choose wisely.
When it comes to sticking sharp things into your child’s
skin, the friendlier the better. Don’t just settle for the first pediatrician
that accepts your health insurance. Look for a doctor who works well with your
child’s personality. Ideally it is someone who is great at distractions. “Dear
sick little baby, here is a cute, fuzzy little bear.” The needle will be in and
out before your baby knows what hit her. Be picky when it comes to your child’s
doctor. You’re the one who will end up paying in the car ride home.
3. When all else fails…play doctor!
So, you’ve done your best. You got your child immunized; you
disinfected every surface in your house; you even kept her away from the
coughing kid at the playground. But, she still came down with the flu. What's
worse than a sick, irritable kid? A sick kid who is terrified of the doctor. You
have no choice. She’s spiked a fever and it’s not coming down. Before you drag
baby to the doctor, prepare her for what to expect. Buy a toy doctor kit with
things like a stethoscope, shot dispenser, and a fake plastic hammer. She will
become familiar with the sites and sounds of the doctor and associate them with
fun rather than fear.
4. In the waiting room, play some more.
Waiting rooms are germy places, and the last thing you want
is to get infected yourself or to make your child even sicker. This is where
your handy dandy iPad comes in use. It can provide great entertainment and
distraction without having to share any germs.
5. Take control for your baby.
Be a model for your child. Project confidence, not fear when
at the doctor. Make sure to ask plenty of questions and get all the answers you
need. Bring a pen and paper, take notes, and be inquisitive. This helps your
child see the doctor as a resource for help and information. There’s no need
for nervousness here.
With these tips you
can turn a potentially dreadful experience into a lot of fun for your child
(and yourself), one that they will be eager to repeat in the future. Regular
doctor’s visits will be a piece of cake after this, allowing children to enjoy
an important part of a lifetime of health benefits.
Enter the Luca Lashes contest!
Readers: Comment on the post with your most interesting story of taking your kid(s)
to the doctor and you’ll be entered to win a gift pack complete with a toy
doctor kit, fun bandaids and a $20 Baskin Robbins gift card for use after their
next appointment!