Synopsis (from Green Beans and Ice Cream? At first glance, they don’t sound like they go together. But this groundbreaking new book from author Bill Sims, Jr. will change forever the way you deal with your family, customers, coworkers, students, and yes, even your spouse!
In Bill’s thirty year history, he has helped design more than one thousand behavior change systems that have produced tremendous gains in performance and profits at America’s top companies including Disney, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, General Motors, and Dupont. Hidden in this book you will find Bill’s “secret sauce”, and the recipe for rapid, sustainable behavior change and engagement--Positive Reinforcement (PR+) The book explains why positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful forces on the planet.
Use it wisely, and performance moves off the chart. Use it poorly, and the results can be disastrous. Green Beans & Ice Cream analyzes over 100 years of research in the field of human behavioral science, and compares it to “real world, in the trenches” true stories that Sims recounts. It points out clearly that the thing we need the most, is the thing we often receive the least—positive reinforcement and feedback from those around us. Using the techniques outlined in this book, you can master the remarkable power of positive reinforcement, and make a real difference in the world around you. This book is for everyone who must lead others. Whether in the family, the school, or the workplace, it is a “must read” for anyone who wants to improve the performance of their team. With this first book, Sims has dropped a stone in the still pond of leadership. The waves will only get bigger.
My Review: Green Beans & Ice Cream came a perfect time....positive reinforcements are needed so badly with my team at work. Also my company and industry are going through a tremendous amount of change right now.I learned a lot from this quick read. I think the biggest thing I learned is that one size doesn't fit all. I love cash as a reward for doing job above and beyond, however, most people don't. There was a lot of discussion regarding company logo gifts....we do this all the time and I think I need to share Green Beans & Ice Cream with few others at work. I really don't want to give away all the advice in the book.
I loved all the examples used in the book. It really helped emphasize the point that was being made. Green Beans & Ice Cream is a very, very quick read. I can't wait to share this book with others at work and get started on making some changes at work! Reinforce the positive and change behavior!
Meet the Author: Bill Sims, Jr., is President of The Bill Sims Company, Inc. For nearly 30 years, Sims has created behavior-based recognition programs that have helped large and small firms to deliver positive reinforcement to inspire better performance from employees and increase bottom line profits. A sought-after speaker, he has delivered leadership workshops and keynote speeches around the globe and has built more than 1,000 positive reinforcement systems at firms including DuPont, Siemens VDO, Coca-Cola, and Disney.
Purchase it: You can order Green Beans & Ice Cream today at
This review was made possible by the Cadence Group. All reviews are my opinion.
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