Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Mommy Diaries Review + Giveaway!

My Rating:  Great Read

Synopsis:  What do you get when you mix a crawling toddler, a screaming baby, and a sudden craving for pickles and ice cream all over again? A full-time job. Some people call this “parenting.” It’s an intense roller coaster of constant chaotic sounds; pitter-patter of adorable, yet never-ceasing, little feet; things getting broken; emotional ups and downs…all in addition to the regular duties, chores, and responsibilities of a normal American household.

Sometimes laughter is needed to survive the more intense days…

The Mommy Diaries: How I’m Surviving Parenting without Killing Anyone is a snapshot into the crazy, daily parenting life of Dallas Louis, author of Girlfriends, Giggles, & God. Dallas is the mother of three kids who all arrived within twenty-six months of each other. Combining that with later home renovation projects and surviving multiple ER visits, all the while still maintaining a relationship with her husband (remember that guy?), she has lived through enough moments of her own to share with her readers her tears and fears through laughter, and often times, the act of surviving the early years by sheer, dumb luck! The Mommy Diaries will have you rolling off your couch, and thanking your lucky stars that all these babies fell to someone else!

My Review:  Oh boy....do I get The Mommy Diaries.  I had my three kids in 21 months.  Though mine were a single and twins, I still had 3 kids under 2 and all in diapers.  Unlike Dallas, I was so numb that there is no way I could write a book about it all.  I was woking full-time as a senior manager for one of the big four accounting firms and honestly I try not to remember those first four (or five or nine) years!  Reality is, I am not sure I can even remember them anymore.  I am just too tired! 

I am thankful that Dallas is able to remember and write about her stories.  They are too funny.  I really didn't want to laugh at her "situations," but you just can't help it.  Her Disney story is the best, with a whooper of ending.  We went to Disney the week between Christmas and New Year's Day and it was insane.   

You have to pick up this book for a great summer read.  This is too funny a read for any soon-to-be parent or already a parent.  

Meet the Author:  Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Dallas now lives in Houston with her wonderful husband and three kids, travelling all over the country encouraging women in their faith and strengthening their ministries. She loves the early morning stillness, and admits that’s when her inspiration strikes best! She’s a self-proclaimed hybrid: a cross between redneck and city girl, but loves the way God made her!

Buy It:  You can purchase The Mommy Diaries online at Amazon for $12.95 ($10.36 for prime member and $6.99 kindle version) 

Great News:  Tomorrow, I will have another post on The Mommy Diaries and you will have the chance to win your own copy!  Woo Hoo!  See you all tomorrow!

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