Synopsis: Born and raised in Seattle, Corey Phillips is new to Southern California, but with his devoted and beautiful girlfriend Jennifer by his side, their boat "Vintage" has become one of the top charter operations in the area. However, not all those seeking trips offshore are looking for fish. Young girls are disappearing. Local authorities hope the FBI can put the pieces together, but nothing fits - until Corey and Jennifer become the perfect bait and find themselves in a fight for their lives.
A spellbinding thriller, as suspenseful as it is sensual. The richly-textured settings of Seattle's commercial waterfront, San Diego's topless beaches and the breathtaking waters off Cabo San Lucas create the backdrop for a riveting story of love, romance and betrayal, as a young couple find themselves in a fight for their lives having been set up by the FBI as perfect bait.
My Review: I liked Perfect Bait and was pulled into the book fairly early on. There was a lot of romance (mature audience type) and some thrilling twists and turns. I could have done without the details of Cory's earlier life and the chapters related to the restoring of the boat. I am sure I am the only who feels that way. If you have an appreciation of boats and how to repair/restore them, it wouldn't seem detailed at all.
Perfect Bait really picks up when Jennifer fills in to help another charter boat. The boat becomes a floating brothel until some "fishy" business starts to happen. Without spoiling it for readers, the turn in the plot is pretty significant (mature audience type). It is very detailed and graphic leaving nothing to the imagination.
Perfect Bait was a good, fast (especially the 2nd half), full of twists/turns, violence and sex read.
Meet the Author: As the producer/writer/director of the Award Winning Fox Sports/ Inside Sportfishing television series on Fox Sports, Fowlkes has also earned nineteen Telly Awards for Broadcast Excellence, since Inside Sportfishing premiered in 1989. Inside Sportfishing was also voted the best Saltwater Fishing Show of the Year, has earned 19 Telly Awards and is the longest running, highest rated fishing show in Fox Sports history.
In addition to his Telly Awards, Fowlkes has also received three national Cable ACE Awards for his productions with Disney Studios, Paramount Pictures and Showtime. Flawed is currently under consideration by MGM/Sony as a feature length motion picture.
Fowlkes has lived and worked in Laguna Beach since 1970. Today, Michael lives with his wife Kimberly, and their golden retriever, Shammie, on a secluded, wooded hillside along Laguna Canyon.
Purchase it: You can purchase Perfect Bait online at Amazon for $15.95.
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