Synopsis (from Amazon): The Bad Girls' Club: it's about sex, it's about dares, but most of all, it's about friendship!
Imogen, Juliette and Beth have had a gutful of the manipulative Poppy so, when they are seated together at her wedding, their resentment not only unites them but pushes them into a risqué prank
Their problems go much deeper though. Imogen has major body issues and a lousy track record with men, Juliette is stuck in a dead-end relationship with her dead beat boyfriend and Beth is so busy trying to impress everyone else, she's got no idea what she really wants.
It's time to take drastic action. It's time to rebel. It's time to become Bad Girls.
They band together to form the Bad Girls Club and, through a series of brazen dares, push the limits of their sexuality.
But are the girls ready to finally take the final leap that will have them branded as bad girls for real? To save the club, and each other, they each have to publicly acknowledge their darkest secrets.
Join the bad girls in this steamy yet snort-laughingly funny chick lit adventure.
Meet the Author: Kathryn O'Halloran was told to write what she knows; despite that, she now writes erotica. She finds the research gruelling but she goes at it with guts and determination.
Her chequered work history includes time as a computer programmer, a phone psychic, a mystery shopper, a community television star, a maker of psychedelic fake fur handbags and wielding a machete on a vegetable production line.
I am so excited to share a "chic" chat with Kathryn below!
What is your favorite summer treat (can be anything)?
I love cutting up grapes and soaking them in Cointreau in the freezer. Super delicious!
I love cutting up grapes and soaking them in Cointreau in the freezer. Super delicious!
Anything excited planned for summer?
Nothing at the moment. (SBN forgot it was winter in Australia!)
Nothing at the moment. (SBN forgot it was winter in Australia!)
I love getting pedicures, especially in the summer, are you a pedicure or manicure girl?
I love getting manicures and pedicures yet rarely have them done. I should go more often, it's such a nice treat.
I love getting manicures and pedicures yet rarely have them done. I should go more often, it's such a nice treat.
What is your favorite summer product?
The sun here is so harsh that I really need a good sunscreen in summer just for everyday. I love Korean BB Cream because it's got like factor 50 sun protection.
The sun here is so harsh that I really need a good sunscreen in summer just for everyday. I love Korean BB Cream because it's got like factor 50 sun protection.
Favorite color, food, drink and animal?
Favourite colour - red, preferably red with white polka dots. I couldn’t possibly pick a favourite food, there are just too many. Favourite drink is a margarita - I love the sour/salty combo. And animal, at the moment, I’m obsessed with polar bears. They are just too cute!
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Well apart from writing, I like watching dramas and occasionally going to karaoke. I don’t sing well but I sing loud - and that’s the most important thing.
When/Why did you start writing?
I’ve been writing for so many years. I started sending things out seriously about 10 years ago and had some short stories published. Then, about six years ago, I started studying Japanese and took a break from writing because I couldn’t fit both Japanese and English words in my head at the same time.
What is your favorite writing spot?
I usually sit on the couch with my laptop on my knee, which is terrible for my posture and gives me really sore shoulders. I have a desk but hate using it.
Do you have writing routine?
Not at all. I try to fit writing in around my day job and am often too brain-fried to write after work. I keep thinking I should wake up early and write before work but I hate mornings.
Can you read other books while writing your own?
Definitely. I can’t sleep without reading a bit. I do try to read in other genres so I’m not being too influenced by what I’m reading.
What are currently (or last read) reading now?
I’m reading The Camomile Lawn by Mary Wesley. I read it years ago and wanted to reread it. It’s a story of a group of cousins in London during WWII.
What is your favorite genre?
I skip between genres a lot. I pretty much read anything except fantasy/sci-fi. A while back, I had a real fad on samurai detective novels - who even knew such a genre existed!
What is your favorite(s) song/movie/play/TV show?
Again, too many to pick. I’m a huge fan of Supernatural and have been watching since it started. It’s probably the one show I never miss.
If you could go anywhere for vacation/holiday, where would you go?
At the moment, I’m planning a trip to Japan. I’ve been a few times but I’ve been working on a novel set in 1860s Japan so want to do research.
Which would you pick:
Ocean/beach or pool - beach for sure. I grew up near the beach and love it.
Coffee or tea - coffee, I’m totally addicted.
Fruit or candy - candy, although I do eat a lot of fruit.
A book or e-book - I find it hard to read paper books since I got my kindle. You can’t change the font size or anything.
Computer or tablet/smart phone - both, I’d love one of those thingos you can change from a laptop to a tablet.
Camping or Hoteling- hotel for sure. Having a thin bit of canvas between you and wild animals is not a good idea, right!
Driving or Flying - I actually love trains. We have crappy trains here in Australia but when I travel, I love going by train. Flying is fun but so much palaver nowadays with all the security. Driving takes too much concentration though you do have the advantage of being able to sing (loudly).
Connect with Kathryn: You can connect with Kathryn online at her website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and GoodReads.
Purchase: You can purchase The Bad Girls' Club online from Amazon for $4.99.
Thanks for the fun interview :)