Synopsis: Unleash your imagination as you journey through the wide-ranging world of LEGO building with The LEGO Adventure Book. This inspiring tour is filled with bright visuals, step-by-step breakdowns of 25 models, and nearly 200 example models from the world's best builders. Learn to build robots, trains, medieval villages, spaceships, airplanes, and much more. Whether you're brand-new to LEGO or have been building for years, this book is sure to spark your imagination and motivate you to keep creating!
My Review: Another 5 star, must have book for those that love LEGOs! The LEGO Adventure Book includes contributions from over a dozen expert LEGO builders, with models like:
- Flying machines, from vintage propeller planes to futuristic starfighters
- A medieval village featuring an outdoor market, butcher shop and fortified castle
- Dinosaur favorites like the Stegosaurus and T. Rex, completed with articulated tail and jaw
- A modern city full of shops, garages, vehicles, and even cable cars
- A realistic British locomotive with working brakes
- A huge selection of hot rods and race cars
The LEGO Adventure Book is designed for fans of all ages and ability levels. My girls and I loved the chapter on dinosaurs. We had a fun time rummaging through our huge box of mixed matched LEGOs to find the pieces needed to build a T-Rex - our favorite dino!
My girls also LOVED the chapter, Making New Friends. They love the LEGO Friends collection and this chapter focused on building "non-LEGO" Friend sets. The pool is just too cool! I loved the piano!
Again, another LEGO book, must have! I recommend The LEGO Adventure Book to anyone who loves to build and play with LEGOs.
Meet the Author: Megan Rothrock is a former set designer for the LEGO Group whose models have been displayed at ComicCon and at LEGO events across Europe. Rothrock enjoys meeting builders at LEGO fan events and hopes that her book will inspire the LEGO builders of tomorrow. Originally from California, she currently lives in Denmark where she works as a freelance toy designer.
Purchase It: You can purchase The LEGO Adventure Book online from Amazon for $24.95 ($9.99 Kindle version and $14.85 Prime members).
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