As I was reviewing the "coming soon" selection, I noticed that Kelly Corrigan has a new book coming out March 2, 2010, Lift. Kelly has a way of telling a story and keeping you wanting more. She has a gift for you wanting more. I had a hard time puting the book down. By the time I was done, I wanted to belong to the family. After reading the book, I believe the "middle place" means that place where we are the parent, raising our own kids and the child still needing our parents. Through out the book Kelly goes back and forth between being a mother, daughter, sister and wife...her middle place. Even though she takes us on her journey of being diagnosed with breast cancer, treatment and surival, it is not a sad cancer memoir. It is a wonderful story of family.
For Kelly Corrigan, family is everything. At thirty-six, she had a marriage that worked, two funny, active kids, and a weekly newspaper column. But even as a thriving adult, Kelly still saw herself as the daughter of garrulous Irish-American charmer George Corrigan. She was living deep within what she calls the Middle Place—"that sliver of time when parenthood and childhood overlap"—comfortably wedged between her adult duties and her parents' care. But Kelly is abruptly shoved into coming-of-age when she finds a lump in her breast—and gets the diagnosis no one wants to hear. When George, too, learns that he has late-stage cancer, it is Kelly's turn to take care of the man who had always taken care of her—and to show us a woman who finally takes the leap and grows up.
Kelly Corrigan is, more than anything else, the mother of two young girls. While they're at school, Kelly writes a newspaper column and the occasional magazine article and possible chapters of a novel. She is also the creator of CircusOfCancer.org, a website to teach people how to help a friend through breast cancer. Kelly lives outside San Francisco with her husband, Edward Lichty.
Love the header! I've been meaning to pick this up but with so many books piled up all over the house, I've had to put myself on a book buying ban.